Eugene Adams - Safekeep Keith CoStephen Burtt - Possession With Intent To Deliver, Possession Of Marijuana- More Than One PoundJames Case - Safekeep Keith CoRobert Podowski III - Safekeep Keith CoLaura Keefer - Contempt Of Court, Probation ViolationZachary Wieger - Safekeep Keith CoChahlie McDonald - Safekeep Red Willow CoJaden Keeney - Driving Under the Influence - Liquor
Keith County Jail
No New Arrests
Buffalo County Jail
Leobardo Rugerio-Texis - DUI-Alcohol-2nd Degree, Drive During Revocation Impound-1stSean Martin - Probation SanctionTristain Coffey - Possession Controlled Substance
This information is not a criminal history. Criminal charges are often dropped or reduced. All individuals included in this post are presumed innocent of crimes until proven guilty in a court of law. The North Platte Post assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, or completeness, of this information. Any person who believes information provided is not accurate may submit a complaint to