Sep 10, 2024

09/10 City of Grant City Council Meeting Agenda

Posted Sep 10, 2024 6:00 PM



SEPTEMBER 10, 2024

  1. Roll Call
  1. Call to Order
  1. Open Meetings Act Announcement
  1. Review and Action of Agenda
  1. Review and Action of Prior Meeting Minutes – August 27, 2024
  1. Review and Action of Prior Public Hearing Meeting Minutes – September 4, 2024
  1. Communications (Upcoming Meetings, Etc.)
  1. Standing Committee Reports

Andrea Brueggeman (Library, Tree Board)

Kimberly Bishop (Airport, Park & Rec, Planning/Zoning)

Tierney Petersen (Cemetery, City Hall, Economic Development)

Sam Sims (Public Works, CRA)

  1. Enforcement, Sheriff, and Water Reports
  1. Financials
  1. Public Comment
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. Action and Discussion on Ordinance No. 24-08-01, an Ordinance Creating Street Improvement District 2024-01 for the Purposes of Paving, Grading, Constructing or Reconstructing Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks, and any Necessary Improvements Incidental Thereto as Authorized by law Within the District as set Forth on the Plans and Specifications on file at the Office of the City Clerk. (2nd Reading)
  1. Action and Discussion on Ordinance No. 24-08-02, an Ordinance Creating Water and Sewer Extension District 2024-01 for the Purposes of Extending the City’s Municipal Water and Sewer System Beyond the Boundaries of the City’s Existing System and Related Appurtenances Within the District as set Forth on the Plans and Specifications on file at the Office of the City Clerk. (2nd Reading)
  1. Action and Discussion on Ordinance No. 24-08-03, an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance by the City of its Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 2024, in the Aggregate Principal Amount of not to Exceed $500,000.00, for the Purpose of Constructing Paving, Water, and Sewer Improvements of the City. (2nd Reading)
  1. Action and Discussion on Resolution No. 24-08-01, a Resolution Authorizing the Reimbursement of Certain Capital Expenditures from the Proceeds of Tax-Exempt or Tax-Favored Debt Obligations.
  1. Action and Discussion on Ordinance No. 24-08-04, An Ordinance for the Compensation of all Officers and Employees of the City of Grant for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 2024, Through September 30, 2025; Replace and Repealing all Other Conflicting Ordinances and Conflicting Sections of Ordinances; Providing for the Effective Date
  1. New Business
  1. Action and Discussion on Resolution No. 24-09-01 Resolution for the Signing of the Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance Form for the Nebraska Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards


  1. Action and Discussion on FY 2024-2025 Budget Worksheets


  1. Action and Discussion on Potential Purchase of 402 Central Avenue, Grant, Nebraska, 69140 (Dr. Cliff Colglazier / Grant City Attorney – Tawna Holmstedt)
  1. Action on Bills and Claims
  1. Adjournment
  1. The City of Grant abides by the Nebraska Open Meetings Act in conducting business. A copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is on display in this meeting room as required by Nebraska State Law.
  1. The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to enter into a Closed Session at any time during the meeting, in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act, even though the Closed Session may not be indicated on the agenda.
  1. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Council to take up the items on the agenda in the order they are presented above. However, the Mayor and City Council reserve the right to take up matters in a different order to accommodate the schedules of the City Council Members, person(s) having items on the agenda, and the public. The City of Grant further reserves the right to adjust the order of items on this agenda.
  1. Anyone wishing to speak during public comment may be limited to three (3) minutes per person, with a limit of two (2) individuals speaking per topic position. Please come to the podium and clearly state your name and address for the record and the agenda topic you wish to speak upon in a professional manner.