Jul 09, 2024

Keystone Lemoyne Fire Department call log - July 1st - July 7th

Posted Jul 09, 2024 1:46 PM

Lake McConaughy - The 4th of July holiday weekend has come and gone for guests at Lake McConaughy, but the Keystone Lemoyne Fire Department had a busy stretch of seven days for calls. During the seven-day period, the department responded to 10 calls.

KLFD call log from July 1 to July 7 holiday week at Lake McConaughy:

July 2 at 0259: Boating accident Divers Bay point, 2 individuals trans ported by ambulance to OCH and late transferred to Kearney

July 4 at 1355: Drowning Beach Access 4, child was in the water and is now missing. Child found on shore OK

July 4 at 1601: Countywide grass fire MM 140 Rt 26, helped OFD extinguish

July 4 at 2200: Medical Emergency Keystone/Lake Road. Assisted KCEMS, Game and Parks, and NSP with a combative subject.

July 4 at 2000: Stand-By Western Diamonds Sports Complex, fireworks display

July 5 at 0800: Medical Emergency Lake Ogallala, 3-month-old unconscious not breathing, assisted KCEMS, KCSO, NSP

July 5 at 0959: Medical Emergency Beach Access 16, male having trouble breathing. Assist with KCEMS with transport off beach to ambulance.

July 5 at 2250: Medical Emergency Beach Access 13, male dislocated shoulder, assist KCEMS with transport off beach with side by side to waiting ambulance.

July 6 at 15:26: Countywide Grass Fire MM 142, Rt. 26, assist OFD with extinguishment

July 6 at 1811: Medical Emergency, Beach Access 5. Subject with possible broken leg. Assisted KCEMS with transport off beach with side by side to waiting ambulance.