Sep 22, 2023

OVFD release statement on the fire call at Humphrey's Auto

Posted Sep 22, 2023 2:00 PM

The OVFD was paged for a structure fire in the city. Fire Officer in the vicinity reported smoke issuing from building vents and opening. Dispatch automatically upgraded to county wide page. (This procedure is collaborative and alerts KLFD, Paxton, Brule, KC EMS, LEO and KC EM all simultaneously now instead of how it was done prior)OVFD Apparatus - Command, Engine, Ladder, Rescue, BLS ambu

Reg West - ALS ambu

KLFD - Command, Utility, Engine

Brule - Command, Engine, Rescue

Paxton - Command, Engine, ALS ambu

KC EM, OPD, KCSO, and NSP responded. LEOs closed Hwy 30 and diverted traffic for the incident. Electric and Gas Utilities were requested to assist. KC EM and Drone Pilot flew the FLIR drone, greatly increasing safety and efficiency for roof top operations. FF were able to gain control of a potentially catastrophic attic fire in about 20 minutes. Crews were on scene approximately 4 hrs overhauling and extinguishing hot spots. FF entered structure during suppression ops to place salvage covers and protect business computers, etc. EMS provided rehab for on scene personnel. (This process is essential as FF are rotated in and out of an incident.

When they come out, vitals are checked, hydration is performed, and the personnel cools down, relaxes and if any anomaly or problems with any FF health is detected, EMS provides any intervention, including transport if necessary. If you drive by or observe FF sitting under an awning or in chairs adjacent to an incident, they are ”re habbing” This is how we keep our FF from becoming statistics or a Line of Duty Death. Cardiac issues/heart attack are a leading cause of FF deaths at incidents or immediately after and rehab is essential to help prevent this.)NESFM is investigating the incident. No civilian or FF injuries were reported to IC. Building not habitable at this time but not destroyed.