Lincoln County JailJesus Fabela-Mendoza - Safekeep USMSWalter Hernandez-Flores - ImmigrationJohn McCorkle - Safekeep Cheyenne Co.Andrew Moore - Driving Under Influence LiquorRoger Noonan - Restraining/Protection Order ViolationJuana Marquirez-Gomez - ImmigrationJared Baxendale - Safekeep Cheyenne County***Keith County JailNo New Arrests***Buffalo County JailChristopher Heater - Aggravated DV Assault-3rd Cause Bodily Injury, Assault-3rd DegreeJordan Beard - Possession Controlled SubstanceMark Baird - Aggravated Assault-3rd Degree, Operate Motor Vehicle Avoid Arrest-FelonyTerri Norris - Possession Controlled Substance, Drive During Revocation/Impound-1stDaniel Lugo - Criminal Mischief-$1500-$4999, Theft-Receiving Stolen Property $1500-$4999, Drive Under Suspension/Before Reinstated-StateClarence McKnelly - Violate Registration Rules-Sex Offender ActDale Bulizak - Contempt Of Court | Out Of County***